今回でThree Buds の三人展は4度目となります。
日本をテーマにした水彩、 アクリル、版画作品の新作も多数で、その他カードや小物など、 ご自宅用にも海外へのプレゼントにもぴったりのものをご用意して います。バラエティーに富んだ3人の作品を見に、 そしておしゃべりをしにぜひお立ち寄りください。
ギャラリー・ミルフルーヴ /渋谷区広尾5-16-3
・オープニングナイト 5/30(木)16:30~18:30
・5/30(金)~6/2(日) 10:30~18:30
Join “Three Buds” in their 4th exhibition of their art at the small but centrally located gallery on the main shopping street in Hiroo. We will be presenting many new art pieces in themes of Japan, perfect for your walls here or abroad. A few larger pieces, many smaller pieces await – as well as printed cards, a new style sayonara book and stickers! Something for everyone! Come to browse the art and have a chat – all three artists will be waiting for you. Look for the pink balloons!
5/30 (Thurs) ~ 6/3 (Mon)
Mille Fleuve Art Gallery / Hiroo, Shibuya Ward 5-16-3
(2 minute walk from Hiroo Station)
Opening Night 5/30 (Thurs) 4:30-6:30
5/30 (Fri) ~ 6/2 (Sun) 10:30 ~ 18:30